You can create an opt-in funnel with Digibiz24.
With an opt-in funnel, you direct visitors to an opt-in page where they enter their email address to subscribe to the free newsletter. Visitors then see a thank you page where you can confirm their subscription.
Digibiz24 forwards the email addresses you enter to your newsletter tool. You can then use the email addresses collected in this way for your newsletter.
You can create the funnel with or without an integration.
You need:
- a website with all website pages
- A newsletter tool
- Landing page with the typeOpt-in
- Landing page with the type Thank you page
Risk for your businessAlways make a test purchase after you have edited products with all associated websites (see Make a test purchase) - even for products that you have only edited in Digibiz24.
With a free test purchase, you can make sure that the purchase goes exactly as you want it to. This is particularly easy at Digistore24. You can buy your product here using the order form without having to pay for it.
Please make a test purchase before requesting approval.
Test your entire sales process from the first page a potential customer lands on through to the order form and the final receiving of the product.
Create opt-in funnel with an integration
How to create the funnel with an integration:
- Connect an integration with a newsletter tool.
Create or edit a landing page with the type Opt-in
In the header bar, click on
Create or edit a landing page of the type Thank you page
In the header bar, click on
- Edit the landing page with the type Opt-in
- Edit the opt-in form component.
Click on the gear icon
next to the component to configure the component in the side menu.
- Select the Email integration / autoresponder.
Visitors who enter their email address are automatically subscribed to the newsletter.
- Select the thank you page under Form Submit.
Visitors who enter their email address are automatically redirected to the thank you page.
- Select the Email integration / autoresponder.
- In the header bar, click on
Create opt-in funnel without an integration
How to create the funnel without an integration. Embed the tool with an iframe.
- Create the code for embedding in the tool.
Typically, this is an iframe tag.
- Make sure that the code is an iframe tag:
<iframe src="https://..."></iframe>
. - Copy the code.
- Create or edit a landing page with the type Opt-in
- Remove the Opt-in form component.
- Add the HTML / JS component to the page.
- Click on the gearwheel icon of the component
to configure the component in the side menu.
- Click on Open code editor.
- Insert the copied code.
- Click on Save.
- Edit the other settings of the component.
- In the header bar, click on
Offer free e-book
You can offer visitors who subscribe to your newsletter a free e-book. The easiest way to do this is with a pop-up on the thank you page.
- Upload the e-book in Digibiz24.
- Create or edit a landing page of the type Thank you page
- Create a pop-up.
- Add the Download button component to the page.
- Add the e-book as a download to the button.
- In the header bar, click on
Single opt-in and double opt-in
In most countries, you must obtain the consent of people who subscribe to a newsletter before you use their email address for promotional purposes.
TipThis is about data protection.
If necessary:
- Customize the privacy policy page.
- Activate the cookie consent.
With single opt-in, a visitor enters their email address in the opt-in form on your landing page. They should then have given all the necessary consent for what you intend to do with their email address. Single opt-in is particularly suitable for mobile devices.
With double opt-in, a visitor enters their email address in the opt-in form on your landing page and then has to click on a confirmation link in the first email they receive from you. Only then have they granted all the necessary consent for what you intend to do with their email address. Double opt-in is particularly suitable if you want to make sure that the email address you have received is valid and active.
Risk for your businessPlease note the information regarding legal advice.