In this step, you create a course for your product. If you do not want to offer a course, you can simply skip this step.
How can I access my online course?
The online course can be accessed via the member area.
The member area consists of the following website pages:
You designed these website pages in step 3 of the quick start guide. In this step, we will create a course that can be displayed on these pages.
Create courses
You can create your own courses for each website.
Good to knowThe number of courses per website is not restricted.
The total number of courses and the number of published courses depends on your tariff plan.
How to create a course:
- Switch to the website in Digibiz24 where you want to make changes.
- Click on Courses in the menu bar on the left-hand side.
- Create a course.
You have the following options:
- If no course is available yet:
Click on Create course.
- If one or more courses are available:
Click on Add in the header bar.
- Click on a Course template (see Course theme).
- Enter a Course name.
- Click the Add course button.
The course will be created and opened with the status Draft.
Each course has a course theme.
When creating a course, a new course theme with default settings will also be created and selected for the course.
The new course theme is renamed as the course name.
Connect course with product
You can connect a course with one or more Digistore24 products to sell the course.
How to connect your course with a product:
- Create a product.
- Open the course in which you want to make changes.
- Select one or more products in the Connect to Digistore24 product field.
- If you have selected multiple products: Select a default product.
The change will be saved automatically.
If you display unpurchased products on the course list, the sales page of the default product will be displayed.
Edit course themes
You can edit a course theme so that your course matches your website design, for example.
When creating a course, a new course theme with default settings will also be created and selected for the course.
The new course theme is renamed as the course name.
How to edit a course theme:
- Open the course in which you want to make changes.
- Click on Edit course theme.
The course theme of the course is marked as ACTIVE.
- Click on the three-dot icon
for a course theme.
- Select the page you want to edit in the header bar:
Course homepage
The course homepage is displayed at the beginning of the course. Members can start the course here. They can see the chapters and their progress.
You can set up how chapters are displayed by using the chapter page in the course theme.
Chapter page
The chapter page shows the lectures of a chapter. Members can see their progress here.
Lecture page
On the lecture page, members can see the content of a lecture.
You can set up how chapters are displayed by using the chapter page in the course theme.
Each page has placeholder components that display the preview and the contents
of the chapters and lectures.
- Edit the page in the page builder.
- Click on Save.
- Click on Done.
Create chapters and lectures
You use chapters and lectures to define the structure and content of your course.
Create chapter
How to create a chapter:
- Open the course in which you want to make changes.
- Click on + New chapter.
- Enter a Chapter title.
- Click on Add chapter.
- You can change the title and image of chapters in the chapter settings.
You can now create lectures.
Create lectures
How to create a lecture:
- Open the course in which you want to make changes.
- In the chapter where you want to create the lecture, click on the plus icon.
The icon appears when hovering over it with the mouse cursor.
- Enter a Lecture title.
- Click on Add lecture.
- Create content for the lecture.
Customize email templates
Digibiz24 automatically sends emails when certain events occur. Subject, format, and content of the emails are set in email templates.
There is an email template type for each of the events:
New member
Digibiz24 sends emails using this email template when a new member registers.
New order
Digibiz24 sends emails using this email template when a member purchases a course.
Password reset
Digibiz24 sends emails using this email template when a member requests a password reset on the login page.
Password changed
Digibiz24 sends emails using this email template when a member has successfully reset their password.
An email template is available and active by default for each email template type.
You can customize the email templates or create new ones. You can only activate one email template for each email template type.
Customize email templates
- Switch to the website in Digibiz24 where you want to make changes.
- Click on Website in the menu bar on the left-hand side.
- Click on Email templates..
- Click on the pencil icon
for an email template.
- Edit the email template:
- Title: Name of the email template for differentiation purposes in Digibiz24. Recipients do not see this name.
- Subject: Subject of the email.
Email content: Text that the member receives. Use the editor and the placeholders in the text. Enter the placeholders with the square brackets, e.g:
- Click on Save.
Create email template
- Switch to the website in Digibiz24 where you want to make changes.
- Click on Website in the menu bar on the left-hand side.
- Click on Email templates..
- Click on Add in the header bar.
- Edit the email template:
- Title: Name of the email template for differentiation purposes in Digibiz24. Recipients do not see this name.
- Subject: Subject of the email.
- Email template type: Specifies the type of email template.
Email content: Text that the member receives. Use the editor and the placeholders in the text. Enter the placeholders with the square brackets, e.g:
- Click on Save and Exit.
The new email template will have the status Inactive.
- Activate the email template.
Email template type: New member
Digibiz24 sends emails using this email template when a new member registers.
(SeeOffer free courses via opt-in).
The following placeholders are available for this email template:
: The member's first name -
: The member's last name -
: Password for registration -
: The member's email address -
: Website name -
: List of purchased courses -
: Login page of website
Email template type: New order
Digibiz24 sends emails using this email template when a member purchases a course.
The following placeholders are available for this email template:
: The member's first name -
: The member's last name -
: The member's email address -
: Website name -
: Date on which the login details were sent -
: List of purchased courses -
: Login page of website
Email template type: Password reset
Digibiz24 sends emails using this email template when a member requests a password reset on the login page.
The following placeholders are available for this email template:
: The member's first name -
: The member's last name -
: The member's new password -
: Website name
Email template type: Password changed
Digibiz24 sends emails using this email template when a member has successfully reset their password.
The following placeholders are available for this email template:
: The member's first name -
: The member's last name -
: The member's email address -
: Website name
Activate email templates
An email template is available and active by default for each email template type.
You can customize the email templates or create new ones. You can only activate one email template for each email template type.
- Switch to the website in Digibiz24 where you want to make changes.
- Click on Website in the menu bar on the left-hand side.
- Click on Email templates..
- Click on the activate icon
for an email template.
The email template is active.
All other email templates with the same email template type have the status Inactive.
Publish courses
If you create a course, the course will not yet be published. For visitors to be able to purchase the course and access the course as a member, you must first publish the course.
Good to knowYou cannot revert a published course to Draft status if the course is connected to products.
How to publish a course:
- Switch to the website in Digibiz24 where you want to make changes.
- Click on Courses in the menu bar on the left-hand side.
- Click on Draft for the course you want to publish.
- Click on Publish.
The course is published and members will see the course on the course list after they have logged in.
Further steps